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Car Tune-Ups
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Car Tune-Ups in Jacksonville, Florida
As a car owner, you must protect your investment by ensuring your vehicle is well-maintained and in optimal performance. One way to do this is by getting regular tune-ups for your car. Doing this also saves you money in the long run by preventing costly repairs and improving fuel efficiency. During a car tune-up, the mechanic will check (and replace, if necessary) many components and run through a set of diagnostic tests. This allows them to identify any potential problems and fix them before they become major issues.
Car engine tune-ups can be performed anytime, but in many cases, your car manufacturer recommends a specific schedule for tune-ups. For many vehicles, this is around every 30,000 miles or so. However, it’s important to note that the actual mileage may vary depending on various factors, such as the age of your car, driving habits, and environmental conditions.
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Atticus Joel
"Amazing service from these guys at Tevins! Their mechanic arrived at my location about an hour after my initial call and fixed my car right away... and it was a Sunday! Highly recommended!"
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Ignition System
The ignition system is one of the components of your car engine that causes more problems than other parts. It is responsible for starting your car and keeping it running smoothly. During a tune-up, the mechanic will check and clean or replace spark plugs, ignition coils, and spark plug wires if necessary.
Spark Plugs
Spark plugs are an essential part of the ignition system. They produce sparks that ignite the air and fuel mixture in the engine, driving pistons, and creating power to move your car. Over time, spark plugs can become dirty or worn out, causing misfires and reducing engine performance. Replacing them during a tune-up can improve fuel efficiency and prevent potential issues.
Ignition Wires
Ignition wires are important for delivering the spark from the ignition coils to the plugs. Over time, they can become worn or damaged, resulting in poor engine performance and potentially causing the engine to misfire. During a tune-up, the mechanic will check these wires for any signs of wear and tear and replace them if necessary.
Distributor Cap and Rotor (if Applicable)
Inside the distributor cap is a rotating arm with a metal tip that makes contact with the rotor, sending the spark to the correct spark plug at the right time. Over time, the distributor cap and rotor can become dirty or corroded, leading to a weak or inconsistent spark. If your car has a distributor cap and rotor, these will also be checked during a tune-up and replaced if needed.
Your vehicle has many filters on its engine that help remove impurities and keep the engine running smoothly. During a tune-up, these filters will also be inspected and replaced if necessary.
Air Filter
While a car is running, the air is continuously being drawn into the engine through the air filter. Over time, dirt and debris can build up on the air filter, reducing airflow and causing poor engine performance. A clogged air filter can also decrease MPGs by up to 14% in carbureted engines and performance. More modern cars have fuel-injected engines, and there is no change in MPG when using a dirty air filter. However, performance still suffers. The mechanic will check and replace the air filter if needed during a tune-up.
Oil Filter
Oil circulates continuously around an engine to provide lubrication. That’s why a clean oil filter is essential for removing particles that could lead to excessive wear on the engine’s internal components. A clogged filter allows contaminants to circulate, which can cause high oil pressure in severe cases. A tune-up will include checking and replacing the oil filter if necessary.
PVC Valve
The positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) valve is a crucial component of the emission system. It helps reduce air pollution by recirculating blow-by gases back into the engine and burning them in the combustion chamber. A clogged or malfunctioning PCV valve can lead to oil leaks, reduced fuel economy, and other issues.
An engine has many belts with different purposes. Over time, these belts can become worn or damaged, which are fixed during a tune-up. The weather here in Jacksonville can be challenging on belts because hot temperatures can cause them to dry out and crack.
Mechanics check all fluid levels during a tune-up, including oil, brake fluid, transmission fluid, and coolant. It’s essential to keep these fluids at the proper levels for optimal engine performance.
As we all know, Jacksonville is known for its hot and humid weather, which can be hard on car batteries. Usually, car batteries have a lifespan of around three to five years, depending on usage and maintenance. During a tune-up, the mechanic will check the battery’s connections and test its charge to ensure it is in good condition.